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Become a Partner

The ongoing support of ECHO members and sponsors is critical to the success of ECHO’s mission. Every partner and member makes a difference.

ECHO Supporter ($50): Help fund the programs and services of ECHO.

Distribution Partner (Free): Receive and commit to distributing ECHO products and information to clients, colleagues, and community members (in up to eight languages).

Emergency Relay Partner (Free): Alert limited-English speaking communities during emergencies by working with ECHO to distribute multilingual information and instructions.

To learn more about becoming a partner organization, contact ECHO at 651.789.4342 or [email protected] today or complete the following partner commitment form.

ECHO partners agree to a 2-year commitment to ensure the maximum use of resources and allow us to better help you serve limited English speaking populations.

Partnership Options
check all that apply
Organization / Agency Info

Please note: information for two contacts is needed to maintain sufficient and accurate communication.

Primary Contact
This person is responsible for updating your organization’s information with ECHO and serves as the direct contact for information.
Secondary Contact
This person serves as a back-up to the primary contact
Languages Served
Information provided is used for internal purposes only. We do not sell, rent, or otherwise give your information to any third party organization.