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A Good, Safe Place to Live

You have the right to live anywhere you want to, as long as you can afford the rent and honor the terms of the lease. Whenever you choose to live, you both have rights and responsiblites, and so does your landlord. If both tenant and landlord follow the rules and do the right thing, a rented house or apartment becomes a safe and friendly place for you and your family to live. Help is available to find affordable housing or solve housing problems. An English Language Learning curriculm was also created with Minnesota Literacy Council.

Preparing Doxycycline for Children (Karen)

Our public health experts work hard to keep everyone healthy and safe when disasters strike, including manmade disasters like bioterrorism. In the event of an anthrax attack, public health systems would distribute medicines like Doxycycline to prevent illness and death. This program provides clear and simple instructions for preparing Doxycycline for children and adults who cannot swallow pills. 

This program is sponsored by: Ramsey County Public Health and Anoka County Public Health

Preparing Doxycycline for Children

Our public health experts work hard to keep everyone healthy and safe when disasters strike, including manmade disasters like bioterrorism. In the event of an anthrax attack, public health systems would distribute medicines like Doxycycline to prevent illness and death. This program provides clear and simple instructions for preparing Doxycycline for children and adults who cannot swallow pills. 

This program is sponsored by: Ramsey County Public Health and Anoka County Public Health