Hluav Taws: Tsis Yog Menyuam Yam Khoom Ua Si

Cov menyuam xub pom hluav taws thaum lawv tseem me me, xws li cov tswm ciab saum lub ncuav ci birthday, cov qhov cub rauv taws, thiab cov qhov cub ci nqaij. Qhov uas lawv xav to taub seb hluav taws yog dabsti tiag yeej tsis phem li. Tiamsis, kev siv hluav taws yuam kev yog ib qho txaus ntshai heev thiab ua tau kom muaj xwm txheej phem uas tej zaus yuav ua rau lwm tus raug mob los yog tas sim neej.  Zaj yeeb yaj kiab no ntev li 20 feeb. Zaj no tham txog qhov uas hluav taws zoo licas tiag, yuav tiv thaiv txog hluav taws licas, thiab yuav ua tau licas kom yus tsev neeg thiaj nyob ruaj ntseg. 

Cov Txhawb Zaj no yog: Minnesota Department of Public Safety and Minnesota State Fire Marshal

Prevention, fire, teens, youth, tiv thaiv, hluav taws, menyuam hluas, menyuam yaus